

I saw a meme that said:
"I'm going to open a gym called 'Resolutions' in January...and turn it into a bar in February."

What is it with this "let's start 1001 new habits on January 1st!"??

How about we just think of the one thing we'd really, really like to become a habit and take baby steps to make that happen...

If you'd like to get more organized, a phenomenal way to start is commit to putting things away.
(if the items don't have a place where they belong, then work on that--one thing at a time!)

When you get into the habit of putting things away, not only do you prevent the piles of clutter,
but it snowballs into getting rid of things that are consistently out (and need put away),  other
family members also putting things away, and no need to scurry around trying to shove things
out of sight when unexpected guests arrive!

Of course you'll have busy days, sick kids, and houseguests...so this won't happen 100% of the time. But every time you do put something away, it's one more time you're sticking to your resolution.

Happy New Year!
Here's to a less cluttered, simpler life in 2015!