
One Thing At A Time...

I was helping a friend organize the other day, and we were joking that we both need to tattoo "one thing at a time" somewhere on our bodies to read it everyday, since we both seem to take on too much at once.  

I don't know if it's the Gemini in me or what (maybe some slight bipolar tendencies?!), but I seem to go from unmotivated, only getting daily functions done (like I talked about in this post)...to really motivated and trying to do 5 projects at once (sometimes successfully!).  

When it comes to decluttering or organizing...I say use those "high energy" times and RUN with them!  When you have momentum on your side, you can get a lot accomplished and it feels good (and motivates you to do more).  It also gets things done so you can have those "stuck in a rut" kind of days and not feel guilty for not getting as much done.

But what happens when you're trying to literally do 5 things at one time?  
Quality is sacrificed for Quantity.

If you've got so much on your plate that you're brushing your teeth while putting your shoes on and making your coffee while texting someone on your phone...maybe it's time to stop and take a breath.
Yes, we all have those "overslept and need to get out the door in 2 minutes" moments...but on a day-to-day basis, it's better to not eat your breakfast while you're running out the door.  (In other words: get out of bed earlier!)

If we can harness our energy and super motivation and funnel it into deliberate, high quality work, we can be efficient and effective (and not give ourselves an ulcer!).  Overall, we'll be more relaxed (our kids will probably fight less!), and we'll still feel accomplished without bulldozing our way through life.

See if you can stop and take a breath today--even just once--and notice what it feels like when you do.

And believe me, this post is written as much for me as it is for you... ;)

(a little motivation for your "stop and breathe" moment)
Molas Lake, near Silverton, CO

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