
Stuck in a Rut...

Ugh.  You know those days when you just don't want to do anything?!

When the sun doesn't come out, I have those days.  (I'm grateful we live in Colorado and get 300 days of sunshine per year!)

If you get stuck in a rut when it comes to decluttering, organizing, well...anything, really (exercising, healthy eating, reading more--whatever it is!)...it helps to do just one thing.


Take out the garbage.
Clean off the 101 paintings the kids hung on the fridge.
Pick out 5 shirts you don't wear and take them to the thrift store.

The one thing can kick-start the snowball effect to complete a bigger task (or 2!).

You may find that you take out the garbage and before you realize it, you're cleaning up all of the kids' toys in the yard...or loading old toys into the car to donate.  If you take down old paintings that are so cleverly crowding the outside of your fridge, you might end up cleaning the inside (and top, bottom, and sides) of your fridge as well.  Those 5 shirts could end up being accompanied to the thrift store by 5 pants, 5 shoes, and some dresses...

Or maybe not.

Maybe all you do is that one thing you started doing and it doesn't go anywhere after that.  And that's ok too...because at least you got that one thing done.  It's like taking that first step that leads to running a marathon (which I would know nothing about--but have heard stories about people doing that!)...one thing can lead to many more things.

This post today is my one thing.

It's a cold, dreary day (after yesterday felt like summer in March!)...and this is probably all that I will get done today outside of normal daily functions.  But this will be my "funk" day, and tomorrow will be more productive, because it's just one day.

The next time you're in a funk--try doing just one thing--and see what happens.

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