Well our planet has way too much plastic (in my opinion), and we can all make better choices to change that...starting right now.
Sure, there are times where it seems almost impossible to avoid a plastic-laden...anything, really. But if you become aware of the plastic world we live in--really just observe it--soon, you'll see the times when you can really make a difference.
At the grocery store checkout, coffee shops, gas stations, restaurants, schools, work, on the go...just look at how much plastic comes into your life. (It would be fun to collect it all for a week, or a month to really grasp how much it is!)
After observing for a while, try to make some small changes one at a time (bring your own reusable bags, to-go mugs for coffee, pack your lunch and take it to work, etc)...and then over time, slowly incorporate more ways to say no to plastic in your life.
So now let's talk about plastic things in relation to organizing your stuff:
Your stuff that is used more than once a year, but less than once/week or month (seasonal items, etc) might need to be in a plastic bin/tub thing...but that should be it! Because things you don't use should not be stored, right? RIGHT?! Good.
For toys or areas that need some type of small storage options, try baskets or cloth bins...they look nicer and aren't plastic! (If you absolutely need a plastic storage type container, grab one from the thrift store. It's cheaper, you're re-using one, and you're not creating a demand to make more!)
Food storage is another area where there can be a ton of plastic in your life!
(I would like to actually weigh it someday to see if it really is a ton.)
Instead of baggies for sandwiches, opt for cloth bags or small containers (I know, I know, most of them are plastic! But at least if you're re-using the plastic containers, you're not throwing away a plastic baggie every time you eat a sandwich!).
Bring along your own (reusable please!) water bottle when you're out and about...no need to buy water in a plastic bottle, you can skip the drink at a restaurant (and straw!), and it's good for your body anyway :)
Bring your reusable shopping bags to the store...and if you happen to forget them, ask for a box, or at least a paper bag (great for lining under the kitchen sink, homemade wrapping paper, fire starter, etc!)....and you'll avoid the never-ending, bulging grocery bag that's filled with 1001 other grocery bags hidden somewhere (will you really ever use all of them?!).
By no means is this an exhaustive list of ways to avoid plastic in your life (I mean, I didn't even touch on all of those plastic toys!), but hopefully it will give you a starting point for decreasing the amount of plastic you use.
And if you already limit your plastic--keep up the great work! ...and if you do a "no waste" home--can you move in with us?!
What's your favorite "used to be plastic but now it's not" thing?
Thank you for addressing this in relationship to organizing!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! Thanks for reading :). (And sorry for the delayed response, it wasn't letting me reply for some reason.)