Last week we talked about living out of your suitcase for a few days (or week), so you could pack the majority of your things ahead of time. (Which is also fantastic for the first night or two in your new place--everything is easily accessible!)
When you move without movers, there are 2 sides of the process: packing and unpacking. The uphill and the downhill... (unless you like packing more than unpacking!)
This week we talk about how to unpack your stuff efficiently and effectively.
The key to efficient unpacking is this: unload the rental truck correctly.
Ok, there are no 'right' or 'wrong' ways to unload a truck. But I want to talk about a way that could potentially save you from doing double the work--and help you get unpacked and settled into your new place within a few days.
That's right--I said "unpacked in days".
Here is how you do that:
When you're carrying boxes and items from the rental truck--take them directly to the room they belong in. Remember how you packed 'like with like'? That makes it much easier to unpack the box--and know exactly where to take the box right from the truck:
- Kids' stuff to the kids' rooms
- Kitchen stuff to the kitchen
- Bathroom stuff to the bathroom
- Office stuff to the office
- Garage stuff in the garage
This will save you from unloading the truck, and then moving the boxes AGAIN inside the house. Who wants to move boxes an extra time when moving?!
Not this lady.
You have your suitcase of essentials, which you can 'live out of' for a day or two (or more!)--so there is no need to tear open boxes all willy nilly in the desparate search for toothbrushes and underwear. This will keep your sanity long enough to get a semi-decent night of rest and be ready to really tackle unpacking the next morning.
Personally, I like to get our kids' stuff unpacked first.
Entertained children = more enjoyable unpacking by mom.
After that, it's usually the kitchen items. {Remember how we used the camping supplies at the old place? They will also come in handy at the new place because breakfast & lunch can occur even if the kitchen isn't completely unpacked!}
Kitchen items are my most favorite things to unpack!
I know. It's a sickness, really.
I think it's the thrill of getting to 'change up' how the kitchen is laid out...unless you're moving into the exact same kitchen, the layout will be different and you'll need to figure out where things will go. That's what it is--that puzzle aspect of unpacking the kitchen--figuring out what to put where. If you can approach it like a puzzle, maybe it will be more enjoyable?! If not--get a friend who loves doing puzzles to come unpack your kitchen!
After the kitchen is usually the bathroom items, linens, etc. Followed by adult clothing, books, garage items, and lastly: decorations. Remember Part 1?
The first to get packed is the last to get unpacked.
Here we are--unpacking the decorations.
The finish line is just a few steps away! We're almost there!
If you can keep up your momentum, you'll be unpacked (I didn't say 'completely decorated' because that can take a bit!), in just a few days. Avoid the temptation to leave those one or two straggler boxes "for later" because later might not come for a few months (or a year!). Keep pushing yourself to the finish line and then crash out on the couch and put your feet up while you admire your unpacked house!
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