I know there will be people who fall outside of these generalizations that I'm about to make, but for the sake of simplicity in this post--here goes:
Women tend to have more 'fashion-oriented' stuff, and men have more 'hobby-type' stuff.
And here is what we do about that:
Women--realize that nothing you put on your body will ever change who you are inside.
Men--realize that nothing you have to use for ______ {fill in the blank} will ever change who you are inside.
Once we realize that who we are is not based on what we wear or what we own, life gets a whole lot simpler.
I recently read this article and it summed it up nicely. Women tend to buy more to try to BE more...and that's exactly what our consumeristic society wants you to do. But the message we receive from advertisers is that we're inadequate {without whatever they're selling}--not because that's the truth--but because that will make the companies a buck. It's always about profit. Always has been, and always will be.
Once you can read between the lines (and realize the lie that you're being fed), everything makes sense and it's easier to NOT buy things thinking they will make you someone you're not.
I stopped wearing make-up over 5 years ago.
(I didn't wear a lot to begin with, but I did actually put something on my face every day.)
No one has ever said a word to me about not wearing make-up. Even if someone had, it wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Sure, my skin gets a bit shiny here and there, but besides glaring a flash from my face in a random picture--it doesn't reduce my quality of life one bit.
And it saves me a whole lot of time and money every day.
{I can hear some of you gasping as you read this right now!}
It might feel scary to do it--but I challenge every single lady reading this right now to go somewhere without any make-up on (a place you would normally wear it)--and see if you survive. (Also, take note of how much faster you get ready!)
Then move on to clothing.
See if you can simplify what you wear for one week--then two--then three.
{And leave me a comment on the Facebook page so I know you did it!}
And now for the men...
Since I'm a woman, I can't speak from personal experience, but from what I see when helping clients organize:
Men want to keep memorabilia from their childhood--but hopefully they've grown a bit since then! Sure, it's a nice reminder of fun times, but if it's not serving a purpose now--get rid of it. (And please don't keep it because you're "saving it for the kids"--because they'll just keep it stored in a box and won't want to get rid of it because you gave it to them!)
Men also want to keep "manly" things like tools and gear and 'guy' stuff--even if they haven't used it in YEARS. It doesn't make them any tougher (or smarter or stronger) just by having an accumulation of things they don't use.
So let them go.
Like I said before: I realize these are very broad generalizations--but if you fit into one of these categories, do yourself a favor and evaluate what you have and where you'd like to spend your time.
It's worth the hard work. I promise.
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