've decided to get a handle on all of that clutter that's occupying your counters, spare bedroom, garage, closets...and the list goes on...
But once you get a space organized, you're finding yourself constantly going back through and putting things away after your kids, spouse, family members, friends, everyone....why won't any of these people acknowledge that you've turned a new leaf and that things need to be put away?!
Well, let's talk about how things used to be:
Where did the remotes used to live?
How about the newspaper and junk mail?
School stuff?
If the people who are not putting things away have seen where these things used to end up... they're just stuck in the habitual pattern of not putting things away.
It takes time to form a new habit, but with patience and practice, it can happen!
Try having a discussion with everyone in the household and talk about why things will be different--what it looks like now--and what the expectations are for each area.
Then make sure to follow those same expectations yourself.
Write yourself reminders on sticky notes to tidy up before you walk out of the room.
And ask your spouse to help model the expectations for the kids.
Pictures are wonderful for younger kids...take a picture of things put away, then hang the picture in the space, so they have a reference point for how it should look. Label bins with pictures so they know what goes in them. Positive reinforcement goes a long way with kids...point out when they've done a great job cleaning up after themselves!
Remember: progress, not perfection.
Be gentle with yourself and your family members...slow and steady wins the race :)