
Shopping in Your Closet!

That's the trick to getting rid of unused clothing...go shopping in your closet!
Go through every single item and ask yourself: "If I were shopping right now, would I buy this?"
If the answer is no...get rid of it!

Downsizing your wardrobe can be a very difficult--yet freeing--experience when it comes to simplifying your stuff.  You think about how much you paid for that shirt (shoes, pants, fill in the blank)...or the special occasion you wore that dress to (10 years ago!)...or when you'll fit back into those jeans...or that suit that you'll wear again--someday.  

But if you look at what you actually wear--today--you'll see that it's a very small amount.

The are many benefits to owning less clothing:
You can take baby steps and challenge yourself to get rid of one piece of clothing per day for one month (or week!) and repeat it until you feel like you've pared it down to just what you wear.  
(There is some truth to the saying "we use 20% of our stuff 80% of the time"!)

Or, you can just go big right out of the gate and take the 333 Challenge!

Whether you get rid of 10 things or 100...I promise you, you will feel the space that it frees up in your life...both physically and mentally!

I have yet to do the 333 Challenge, but I did severely reduce my wardrobe to this:
(This is my clothing and my husband's...but his shoes are under the bed.)